
Some of projects worked on by Akansha.

Azure Integration Services to provide EAI and B2B transaction capabilities

A transaction processing infrastructure on Azure for Microsoft's financial transactions processing system. This system was built with the eventual goal of moving away from existing transaction processing infrastructure running on bare metal servers.

  • Provided support for Business2Business transactions of Microsoft and Enterprise Application Integration (EAI).
  • A UI powered by Restful API was provided to stake holders to provide them the capability to query, monitor, download, resume or resubmit (in case of failure) transactions.
  • In case of network failure messages were stored (encrypted according to the HBI policy) and retried several times later before calling the transaction as a failure.

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Final year thesis: Solving Target Coverage Problem in Wireess Sensor Networks Using Iterative Heuristic Algorithms

An efficient algorithm to extend the sensor network lifetime, which works on the principle of organizing the sensors nodes into maximum number of set covers that are activated one by one, is proposed.

  • The goal of the research is to propose an improved greedy heuristic and a new metaheuristic Particle Swarm Optimization (PSO) algorithm to increase the lifetime the sensor network by organizing the sensors into a maximal number of set covers that are activated successively.
  • Two heuristics that efficiently compute the sets, using exact approximation algorithm greedy heuristic and meta-heuristic algorithms such as genetic algorithm and Particle Swarm Optimization have been designed.

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Distributed tracing of transactions for an existing financial transaction processing pipeline

This is a distributed transaction tracing mechanism for tracing Microsoft's financial transaction pipeline flowing through multiple subsystems and making them available to the stakeholders through a UI powered by REST API. The end to end transaction tracing system served many Line of Business(LOB) to help them trace their transactions. The UI provided a number of features to the stakeholders -

  • View the status and details of a transaction at various stages
  • Get details of individual transaction of a batched transaction which which can further split into multiple discrete transactions and multiple batched transactions and so on such that each final discrete transaction can be traced individually.

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Nifty tech tag lists fromĀ Wouter Beeftink